Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Higher Grizzly Bear Numbers gets Forest Service Back into Logging....!

"In a September 28 Billings Gazette letter to the editor, Steve Torrey of Cody, Wyo. had the audacity to ask why Yellowstone area grizzly 'bears have been researched since 1959--51 years. What is it we do not understand about the bears?'"

Grizzly bear research gets Forest Service back in business - National bear spray

Gordon Buchana Finds Interesting Guard for His Camera!

While film maker Gordon Buchanan was photo shooting for a new BBC film in Ely, MN, he finds an interesting "watch bear" for his camera....nothing better than free security!

Guard Bear on Twitpic

NRDC and our allies head to court to defend the polar bear | Andrew Wetzler's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC

NRDC and our allies head to court to defend the polar bear | Andrew Wetzler's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC

Deputies Seek Help In Bizarre Black Bear Mystery - News Story - KTVU San Francisco

Deputies Seek Help In Bizarre Black Bear Mystery - News Story - KTVU San Francisco

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ely Schools in Minnesota In Another Grant Contest -- Please Help!

via Timberjay

"Lily the Bear fans, that Facebook group of over 113,000 that formed after witnessing via “den cam” the birth of Lily’s cub Hope, have become a powerful group supporting not only black bears but Ely area causes."

The link for the contest....

Ely schools next in line for online vote -

Friday, September 24, 2010

Research Commentary on Protection of Radio-Collared Bears in St. Louis County, MN -Respect The Research and Protect Radio-collared Bears!

Research Commentary on Protection of Radio-Collared Bears in St. Louis County, MN -Respect The Research and Protect Radio-collared Bears!

From the heart of a fan BONDING NATURE WITH MAN | | Hometown Focus - Virginia, Minnesota

"On a cold winter evening this past January, I sat down to watch the KBJR Channel 6 news. They had a feature on the North American Bear Center and a special project the center had started."

Read more: From the heart of a fan BONDING NATURE WITH MAN | | Hometown Focus - Virginia, Minnesota:


Ely schools next in line for online vote


"Lily the Bear fans, that Facebook group of over 113,000 that formed after witnessing via “den cam” the birth of Lily’s cub Hope, have become a powerful group supporting not only black bears but Ely area causes."

Read more: Ely schools next in line for online vote -


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Aggression and Hurting - Making a Case for Negative Animal Behaviors~!

In the Neurobiology of Aggression: Understanding and Preventing Violence by Mark Mattson,  the author says that aggression can be reduced if olfaction is blocked. From this, one can suggest extreme "noxious" agents in the environment or others contaminants that change gene expression such as methylation that contribute to neuroinflammation would "nuisance" and potentially incite dangerous behaviors.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Black Bears Migrating in Minnesota and Wisconsin | | Local News

"DUNN COUNTY, Wisc. -- In Wisconsin, it's not uncommon to hear about the fish that got away. On one central Wisconsin farm, however, the tale is about the really big black bear that didn't get away."

Read more: Black Bears Migrating in Minnesota and Wisconsin Local News:

Research shows 550 sun bears in Harapan Rainforest | BirdLife Community

"We have just completed our first Malayan Sun Bear research project, funded by the International Bear Association. The sun bear is the smallest bear in the world and one of the globally threatened mammals found in Harapan Rainforest"

Research News: Research shows 550 sun bears in Harapan Rainforest BirdLife Community:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mats Sundin helps Canadian bear researchers in Sweden -

Mats Sundin helps Canadian bear researchers in Sweden - "The voice at the end of the phone line cackles when it’s mentioned that Maple Leafs’ training camp opens Friday."

Bear researchers do pioneering work...Reader's view!

via Duluth News Tribune!

"The Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center in Ely is doing valuable research into the behavior of wild bears to enable us to live together in an evermore crowded world"

Read more: Reader's view: Bear researchers do pioneering work Duluth News Tribune Duluth, Minnesota:

Saturday, September 18, 2010

He's Just One of the Bears - National Wildlife Federation

Recommended via Lily Fan on Lily the Black Bear

"To a wild black bear like Terri, waking up next to U.S. Forest Service biologist Lynn Rogers in the vastness of the Great North Woods is no big deal. Maybe Terri sees Lynn as just another bear--albeit, furless and a little slow on the uptake."

Read more: He's Just One of the Bears - National Wildlife Federation:

Friday, September 17, 2010

Bear Head Lake State Park Wins Grant - Conservation Minnesota!

"Although Minnesota may not have a lot of Rose Bowl trophies, National Championship rings or Lombardi Trophies, we are now the proud new owners of one new national championship. Last week, Bear Head Lake State Park was deemed “America’s Favorite Park”!"

Read more: Conservation Minnesota Newsroom:

Washington State University - Bear Center

"Bear populations around the world have declined precipitously due to loss of habitat and excessive killing by man. Eight species of bears, six of which are threatened or endangered, exist worldwide. Our mission is to provide the information and the necessary understanding to conserve bears around the world"

Read more: Bear Center Research, Education and Conservation Program:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bear Study -Update Sept 15, 2010 by Lynn Rogers

"Cold and rainy. We stayed indoors and the bears stayed bedded.

Jo spent the day resting near her last year’s den—the culvert den where she slipped her collar. At 5:30 PM she became active and moved further into a remote area"

Read more: Update September 15, 2010 – 8:00 PM CDT:

Find out more about the Wildlife Research Institute --

Bureaucracy complicated news of man’s fatal grizzly mauling

"interviews with officials involved with the response to Evert’s death from fatal grizzly attack, shows that concern about politics, legal liability and interagency relationships complicated communications with the press and the public."

Bureaucracy complicated news of man’s fatal grizzly mauling:

Grizzly bear study team cons hunters - National bear spray |

Grizzly bear study team cons hunters - National bear spray |

Should we feed wild bears? -

Recommended by Lily the Black Bear on Facebook

"Some biologists and bear advocates are trying a truly radical, sometimes illegal, but apparently effective strategy to stop confrontations between humans and black bears: They are feeding the bears."

Read more: Should we feed wild bears? - Technology & science - Science - -


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

East Texas Bear Research Shows Value of State Wildlife Grants | | Cherokeean Herald

East Texas Bear Research Shows Value of State Wildlife Grants Cherokeean Herald: "Close to 60 people gathered in Clarksville Sep. 9 to help the Texas Teaming with Wildlife - Texas coalition and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the State Wildlife Grants program (SWG), and learn about black bears in East Texas."

Puny and Decadent American-Bred Panda Is Being Retrained to Chinese Standards

"When Tai Shan, the Washington-born panda formerly known to the Internet as 'Butterstick,' was repatriated to China this past winter, the National Zoo called his departure 'bittersweet' and said that he was a 'true ambassador for the giant panda species.'"

Read more: Scocca : Puny and Decadent American-Bred Panda Is Being Retrained to Chinese Standards:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dayton wins DFL primary for Minnesota governor

Dayton wins DFL primary for Minnesota governor: "Mark Dayton won the Democratic nomination for Minnesota governor Tuesday in a bid to rebuild a political career scarred by a frustrating six years in the U.S. Senate."

Polar Bears :: Environmental and Health Concerns :: Water Pollution :: fluoridation

"Born at Christmas time, blind, toothless, and white as snow, polar bears are exposed to one of the most toxic unnatural threats-industrial chemical poisoning."

Read more: Polar Bears :: Environmental and Health Concerns :: Water Pollution :: fluoridation:

Friday, September 10, 2010

Coke donates $100,000 to Minnesota state park - WKBT La Crosse, WI-NewsChannel 8-

"ELY, Minn. (AP) -- Coca-Cola has donated $100,000 to a relatively unknown Minnesota state park.
Bear Head Lake State Park near Ely was voted 'America's Favorite Park' in a nationwide online campaign sponsored by Coca-Cola."

Read More: Coke donates $100,000 to Minnesota state park - WKBT La Crosse, WI-NewsChannel 8-:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Radio-collared and Valuable Research Bear Killed - CNN iReport##

Valuable Research Bear Killed - CNN iReport##: "The human race never ceases to both amaze and disgust me. News from Ely, Minnesota today confirms the senseless killing of Sarah, a yearling black bear. Sarah belonged to a small group of bears being studied by experts at the North American Bear Center"

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Associated Press: Bear attack highlights lax Ohio exotic pet laws

Via the Associated Press

"The bear that recently killed a caretaker in a Cleveland suburb was the latest example of animal violence in Ohio. The state has some of the nation's weakest restrictions on exotic pets and among the highest number of injuries and deaths caused by them."

Read more: The Associated Press: Bear attack highlights lax Ohio exotic pet laws:

Ohio bear owner carried no insurance for caretaker

"Records show the owner of a bear that recently mauled its caretaker to death had no workplace injury insurance to cover the man, an apparent violation of state law."

Read more: The Associated Press: Ohio bear owner carried no insurance for caretaker: